Security Solutions
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Security Solutions

Secure your customers’ trust

Your customers need to be able to rely on your products or services. Customers also need to ensure that the data they trust you with, so you can deliver them products and services, is in the right hands. Whether data is located in your office, datacenter or somewhere in the cloud, TechGourmet and its partners will assist you, so you can secure your customer’s trust.

Security architecture

Security architecture is about creating frameworks while directing the way companies handle the information trusted to them by their customers.

Based on your Architecture Vision and Business Architecture and Industry Standards, such as OSA, ISO27002, PCI-DSS and NIST-CSF, we aid you in setting the process- and technical guidelines for Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of your company’s information. This assists your company in defending itself against potential security breaches and to react quickly when necessary.

Security Assessment

Organizations have many reasons for taking a proactive and continuous approach to addressing information security concerns. Legal and regulatory requirements aimed at protecting sensitive or personal data, as well as general public security requirements, create an expectation for companies of all sizes to devote the utmost attention and priority to information security risks. With our Business Impact Assessment and Security Risk Assessment, we provide insights into how an application chain impacts your business and which risks should be mitigated  during the implementation of your solution.

Security Design

When we design security solutions, we implement robust integrated operations that are built to best practices and industry standards, incorporate proven technology solutions and are backed by specialist security expertise. We are vendor independent so we can choose from open-source solutions to high-end commercial infrastructure architecture without compromising the service or the performance. Each security design will be unique and tailored to your business needs in terms of manageability, performance, reliability, scalability, flexibility and security. This way, we can help our customers aligning with their company’s business needs, risk profiles and operational security requirements.


Take the right steps to secure your customers’ trust.